Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Watching "Nephi and the Brass Plates"

Lady Slipper,

You wanted to watch some tv this morning.  Often you are not very interested in TV unless it is Blues Clues or Little Einsteins or Elmo but I am so happy that you also love the scripture stories.  Today we watched the whole thing of The Living Scriptures: Nephi and the Brass Plates.  You were so cute as you patted a seat next to you on the couch and invited me to watch it with you.  It was a very fun morning and I enjoyed pointing out Nephi and see you nod your head when I asked you "see Nephi? See how Nephi is obeying?"

You are very obedient just like Nephi, and  just like Jesus.

Thank you for obeying!



1 comment:

  1. The Living Scriptures show about The Tree of Life did not hold your attention as much as the story of the brass plates but you were still a good sport and stayed with me climbing all over me and the couch :) You are so cute :)
